全球十大赌钱排行app有几个双学位课程,可以让你在更短的时间内获得学士和硕士学位. Save on tuition and start your career sooner!

Master of Science in Business

Sports Management Track
Design and Innovation Track

In just five years, 你可以通过全球十大赌钱排行app的4+1途径从高中文凭到商科硕士学位. 在全球十大赌钱排行app注册为本科生,从50多个学习领域中进行选择, including five business majors. Our 4-Year Graduation Guarantee ensures you’ll earn a bachelor’s degree on time. After graduating with your bachelor’s, 再留10个月完成我们的研究生商业课程,并获得两个方向之一的理学硕士学位:体育管理或商业设计与创新.

More about Sports Management

More about Design and Innovation

Master of Science in Product Management

制成品产品管理课程为学生提供有效管理现有产品以及开发和推出新制成品所需的知识和技能. 学生在秋季完成认证课程,并可以选择在春季继续该课程以获得硕士学位. 该计划由经验丰富的教授和具有数十年产品管理经验的行业专业人士开发.

More about the Product Management degree

Master of Athletic Training 3+2 Accelerated Track

全球十大赌钱排行app的运动训练硕士3+2课程为学生提供了完成五年运动训练硕士学位的机会, shortening the typical route by a full year. Starting with the pre-professional phase (three years), 学生进入全球十大赌钱排行app作为本科生,并宣布联合健康科学专业. 联合健康科学为认识和理解与健康相关的关键理论和概念提供了一个跨学科和文科基础, wellness, and pathophysiological conditions, preparing students for admission into the professional phase (two years). 进入专业阶段的学生将完成3+2课程,包括研究生水平的课程和多种环境下的临床经验.

More about the Master of Athletic Training


Master of Music

Earn your bachelor’s degree in music or music theatre in four years, 然后在短短10个月内获得音乐剧声乐教育学硕士学位! The Master of Music (M.M.) full-time master’s program features seminar courses in vocal pedagogy, 音乐剧场风格的声音表演应用与整合课程, and analysis courses that focus on repertoire and rehearsal techniques. M.M. 学生采用各种教学技巧来支持高效和有效的声音表演练习. 他们发展个人研究和创造性项目,使他们能够参与音乐, artistically, and intellectually in the field of music theatre voice performance.

More about the Master of Music Program


For students interested in a career in chiropractics, Carthage offers a dual-degree program with Logan University in Chesterfield, Missouri. Students attend Carthage for their undergraduate degree, 成功完成洛根大学的入学要求和全球十大赌钱排行app的研究生学位要求, 在洛根大学脊椎指压治疗项目计划开始的前一年申请入学. Logan University is the final determinant of admission to the program.

More about the Doctor of Chiropractic Dual-Degree Program


全球十大赌钱排行app的学生如果想从事工程方面的职业,可以在全球十大赌钱排行app学习三年, 成功修完下列必修课程,并符合一定的GPA条件, 在完成通常为期5年的工程课程的最后4到5个学期后,是否能被两所著名工程学院之一的工程专业录取. Upon graduation from the engineering school, 学生将获得全球十大赌钱排行app的文学学士学位,以及凯斯西储大学或圣华盛顿大学的工程学士学位. Louis. While at Carthage, dual-degree pre-engineering students must major in one of the natural sciences, mathematics, or computer science. 现在的学生应该从他们进入全球十大赌钱排行app的那一年开始遵循官方的学院目录,并与他们的顾问和系主任一起工作,以确保满足所有要求.

More about the Engineering Dual-Degree Program

Geographic Information Science

寻求从密歇根理工大学获得地理信息科学硕士学位的学生可以在全球十大赌钱排行app获得学士学位后,将最多六(6)个学分计入硕士学位. 成功完成加速硕士课程将获得密歇根理工大学授予的硕士学位.

More about the accelerated master’s program


Occupational Therapy

全球十大赌钱排行app与位于圣路易斯市的华盛顿大学合作提供职业治疗双学位课程. Louis. Students attend Carthage for three years and, 在成功完成全球十大赌钱排行app的毕业学位要求和华盛顿大学的先决条件后, 申请入读华盛顿大学的职业治疗专业. 完成课程的学生将获得全球十大赌钱排行app的文学学士学位和华盛顿大学的职业治疗理学硕士学位.

More about the Occupational Therapy Dual-Degree Program



全球十大赌钱排行app为对药学感兴趣的学生提供了两个双学位的机会:威斯康星医学院的3+3项目和罗莎琳德富兰克林大学的3+4项目. 致力于从事药学事业的学生有机会参加全球十大赌钱排行app的加速路径之一, allowing them to enter graduate school after three years.

More about the pharmacy dual-degree options

Physics/ Applied Physics

全球十大赌钱排行app获得学士学位后,寻求获得密歇根理工大学物理学理学硕士或应用物理学理学硕士学位的学生可以将最多六(6)个学分计入硕士学位. 成功完成加速硕士课程将获得密歇根理工大学授予的硕士学位.

More about the accelerated Master’s Programs

Public Health

对公共卫生感兴趣的学生可以在全球十大赌钱排行app和威斯康星医学院(MCW)完成4+1公共卫生双学位课程. Upon successfully completing the program, 学生将获得全球十大赌钱排行app的文学学士学位和MCW大学的公共卫生硕士学位.

More about the public health dual-degree program

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