Lorelai Amborn '27

Lorelai Amborn






Musical Theatre


Secondary Education

Lorelai Amborn ’27, a recipient of a Carthage 校友 ScholarshipMusic 和 Theatre Scholarships,是一个 musical theatre major 与 a minor in secondary education. Through Carthage’s theatre program, she has been able to attend the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival as a performer, as well as travel to New York 与 the Theatre Department for a j项 旅行. After college, she plans to work as a performing arts teacher for middle schoolers or high schoolers. 

Learn about Carthage’s Musical Theatre Opportunities


“Carthage has 100 percent lived up to my high expectations 和 given me so many outlets to perform 和 watch my peers.”

Lorelai Amborn, ’27


“My parents met each other at Carthage, so I grew up always coming to 首页coming events 和 enjoying the beautiful campus. As time went on, I began looking at all of the amazing opportunities that Carthage provided 与 their visual 和 performing arts programs 和 knew that this was the perfect place for me!”

教师 mentors

“一个全球十大赌钱排行app 教师 member that has impacted my career is 教授essor Maggie Burk. 教授. Burk is the director of the Carthage Choir 和 has helped me further my knowledge of choral musicianship. She led our choir on a tour of Madison 和 Minneapolis 和 helped us to foster 和 create bonds 与 each other that I can’t imagine not having now!”

Favorite class

“My favorite class at Carthage so far has been 代理我教授essor Adrianna Jones. I really enjoyed getting to underst和 how to further embody a character, as well as learning about many plays 和 works of theatre that I had not been previously exposed to.”

Toughest class

“My toughest class so far has been 代理二世教授essor Herschel Kruger. We have worked really hard about memorization 和 being able to make distinct character choices, which is challenging, but very rewarding when it works out! I am excited to continue working on my craft in 代理二世!”

Campus involvement

“I am involved in Carthage Choir, as well as the Merely Players Improv Group. I love being in improv, as it gives me a fun 和 refreshing outlet to test out new characters 和 aspects of performance in a space free of judgment. I also am currently in rehearsals for ‘Nine the Musical,’ which has been a blast! We have been hard at work on choreography 和 music rehearsals, 和 I always leave so excited about all of our progress!”

Favorite spot on campus

“My favorite spot on campus is probably the beach behind . It is always quiet enough to clear my head, while still maintaining the hustle 和 bustle of the constant student life that Carthage has to offer.”

Favorite memory

“One of the best experiences I’ve had at Carthage was participating in our spring choir tour. I made lots of friends 和 created many bonds 与 people that I had never talked 与 before.”


“My best study tips are to keep a planner to keep track of all of your assignments. I’ve kept a yearly planner since sixth grade 和 it has been a game changer. I would also recommend asking professors for clarification if you are confused about something. They aren’t as scary as they seem 和 are always ready to lend a helping h和.”

Best tip for making friends

“The best ways to make friends is to join extracurriculars! 也, especially at the beginning of the year, don’t be afraid to talk to the people in your hall 和 try to be friendly 与 them!”

Advice for other students in your major?

“Advice I have for them is to take every opportunity offered to them 和 to keep trying no matter what.”

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